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Welcome to the MilMove Wiki!

The intention for this wiki is to share our collective knowledge on best practices and allow everyone working on the DoD MilMove project to write code in compatible styles.

Architectural Decision Records

If you are looking to understand choices made in this project, see the list of ADRs in the MilMove project.

Editing Docusaurus

If you are looking to edit or add to this documentation, checkout the page on Using Docusaurus.

License Information (Must remain at top of this page)

Works created by U.S. Federal employees as part of their jobs typically are not eligible for copyright in the United States. In places where the contributions of U.S. Federal employees are not eligible for copyright, this work is in the public domain. In places where it is eligible for copyright, such as some foreign jurisdictions, the remainder of this work is licensed under the MIT License, the full text of which is included in the file in this repository.