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✍️ Welcome to writing ADRs

Architecture Decision Records or ADRs are the way engineers communicate changes throughout the MilMove project. The term architecture can be read loosely as the more important words are decision records. To get started, take a look at the ADR template and then copy it into docs/adrs/ to make your own.

Creating ADRs using this repository

For convenience, ADRs can be created using the Template found in this guide. You can also create a new ADR file automatically with npm-run scripts. Run the following command and set name to the dashed name of your ADR and the script will create an ADR file for you.

npm run new-adr --slug="my-short-and-brief-adr"

This command will create a new file for your ADR with placeholder title and description. Make sure you keep these values and the name of the file up to date as other ADRs may be added to the repository in the time it takes for your ADR to get peer-reviewed and approved.

Required file names

ADRs live in the docs/adrs/ folder. They are automatically generated into cards on the ADR landing page. This is done by having the files in that directory follow a specific naming convention which includes a four-digit number prefix before the name of your file. You may prefix your file with any available four-digit number. You have to collaborate with others if multiple ADRs are being written at the same time.

While your ADR is being drafted and reviewed, you may not have a number associated with your ADR yet. It's okay to use the following prefix of 00XX- to show that your ADR is in a Draft or Review state.


When working in this new way, make sure you number the ADR before your work is merged into the default branch. Don't leave the 00XX- prefix or a repeated number if other ADRs share the same number prefix.

Required Front Matter

ADRs have a couple of specific features that are required to have them render properly in our Documentation Portal. These affect the layout, order, and metadata for the ADR.

The first thing an ADR must have is a Front Matter section. This section contains a title: and an optional description: property.

A simple Front Matter with just a title.
title: 0101 My decision to write an ADR
A more complicated Front Matter with a multi-line description.
title: 0102 My slightly complex and ambitious ADR
description: |
This is a very long description for my 0102 ADR. It's about two or three
sentences. Depending on how you write it.

Notice the description: property highlighted above uses a | pipe character. This allows for multi-line description text blocks.

The added bonus of adding a description to your ADR's Front Matter is that this description shows up on the generated index page for all the ADRs and can be used to describe helpful information before clicking into an ADR. If a description: property doesn't exist, the generated card will include a summary of the first 8 words or so.