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Testing DTOD

The instructions that follow will say to change the environment variable inside of .envrc, however, there are other methods one can take to update to environment variables.

  • Environment variables can be changed inside of .envrc.local
  • Runing export DTOD_USE_MOCK=false after direnv allow
  • DTOD_USE_MOCK=false make server_run

If you are not using the plugin better-direnv and you are running the server in Goland, be sure to refresh the Goland environment.

Triggering the DTOD Call

The following steps just documents one way in which DTOD is used in the application. There are others.

  1. Login as a services counselor to the office application.
  2. Create a PPM shipment.
  3. The save and continue button should trigger a call to the DTOD API.

With Mocks

Ensure that DTOD_USE_MOCK is set to false in .envrc. Setting this to false will use mock caluclations.

Using Real DTOD

Set DTOD_USE_MOCK in .envrc to true.

In the server logs, you should see this line

2023-02-23T23:30:59.174Z INFO route/planner.go:167 Using real DTOD for DTOD route planner {"git_branch": "main", "git_commit": "d19fedae045252bc8f0116b1a7b216b4a1dc8927"}

Changing the Password Locally

The password can be overriden by running export DTOD_API_PASSWORD='newpassword' after direnv allow runs.


If the password contains special characters, ensure that they are escaped appropriately.

Locally Getting Additional Logging

Inside of pkg/route/planner.go, change gosoap.SoapClient to use gosoap.SoapClientWithConfig like so

soapClient, err := gosoap.SoapClientWithConfig(dtodWSDL, httpClient, &gosoap.Config{Dump: true})

The Dump: true config option should only be used locally as that dumps out the username and password into the logs.

Challenges with Getting Additional Logging

The soap library being used only returns an error if the status code is < 200 or >= 400.