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Acceptance Testing Prime API

Current Prime API Endpoints

  • fetchMTOUpdates
  • updateMTOPostCounselingInformation
  • createMTOShipment
  • updateMTOShipment
  • createMTOServiceItem
  • createPaymentRequest
  • createUpload
  • createMTOAgent

Checklist for Acceptance Testing Prime API Endpoints

1. Verify Business Logic

  • available_to_prime_at will have a timestamp if in production environment
  • business logic should be tested in test cases

2. Validate Requests

  • all requests fields should be defined in prime.yaml
  • [un]required fields should properly denoted
  • fields that are provided in the response but not valid in the request should be marked readOnly
  • etag should be marked as readOnly in the yaml - It should never be in the request payload
  • all fields should have a meaningful description visible in the Redoc

3. Validate Responses

  • all response fields should be defined in prime.yaml
  • [un]required fields should properly denoted
  • fields that are used in the request but not valid in the response should be marked writeOnly
  • pointOfContact should be marked as writeOnly - It's a logged field which should never be in the response.
  • all fields should have a meaningful description visible in the Redoc

4. Validate Errors

  • all error fields should be defined in prime.yaml
  • error responses should be meaningful and follow our desired pattern.
  • errors we like to use:
  1. 401 - Unauthorized: requester is not properly authorized to make request
  2. 422 - Unprocessable Entity: validation errors, missing values, invalid values
  3. 409 - Conflict Error: Cannot process the request due to the current state of the server (for e.g., we cannot change this value once this date is past)
  4. 404 - Not Found: Requested resource does not exist and the server does not know if it ever existed.

For more detail on how to generate and return errors, API Errors

For a working complete list of MTO database field description, see here