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End to End Testing Playing the Prime

This page includes instructions on how to complete basic functions as the Prime when testing the application e2e (e.g. MilMob) with other user roles (Services Counselor, TOO, TIO).


E2E Testing Sequence for 1 HHG Move

  • Customer creates move
  • Services Counselor reviews
  • TOO approves shipment
  • Prime Part I - Update shipment, add service items
  • TOO approves service items
  • Prime Part II - Request payment, upload proof of service docs
  • TIO handles invoicing

This page covers the bold sections for Prime.

Prime: Part I

A move must go through all previous steps before these actions can be taken, ending with TOO approval.

Each request in the collection should be ran in sequence. You can edit the body as you see fit. There is code in the Tests section of some of the requests that will set variables to reuse, e.g. eTag, mtoShipmentID, etc.

  • Send request fetchMTOUpdates and search for your move code. Once you find it, copy the moveTaskOrderID

  • Edit the collection > Variables > Paste in your value for moveTaskOrderID

  • Send request getMoveTaskOrder

    • This will grab the mtoShipmentID and eTag and store them
  • Check response for destinationAddress. If none is present, include one in the next request.

  • Send request updateMTOShipment

    • Include primeEstimatedWeight, primeActualWeight, scheduledPickupDate, actualPickupDate
    • If no deliveryAddress is present on the shipment, include an address in the following format:
   "destinationAddress": {
"streetAddress1": "148 S East St",
"city": "Princeton",
"state": "NC",
"postalCode": "27569",
"country": "US"
  • Send requests for createMTOServiceItem, once for each type/request listed in the collection.

  • Wait for TOO approval

Prime: Part II

Once the service items have been approved, you can create a payment request. The current setup includes two separate payment requests: One with DOSHUT service item, and one with DOFSIT service items.

  • Send request createPaymentRequest1

    • This includes the DOSHUT service item and should succeed
  • Send request createUpload to include proof of service docs

  • Send request createPaymentRequest2

    • This includes the remaining service items created
    • This may fail and send back errors. Record these for further investigation.
  • If payment request succeeds, send request createUpload to include proof of service docs.