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How To Backup and Restore the Development Database


Run scripts/db-backup to backup the dev_db to a file on the filesystem. The backup files stored in tmp/db/.

$ scripts/db-backup clean-state

If you'd like to backup a database other than dev_db, specify it by setting the value of the DB_NAME environment variable. In bash, the following command will backup test_db:

$ DB_NAME=test_db scripts/db-backup clean-slate

Restore a Backup

Run scripts/db-restore to overwrite the dev_db database with the contents of the named backup:

$ scripts/db-restore clean-state

This is a destructive command! All data currently in dev_db will be removed when this command is run.

If you'd like to restore to a database other than dev_db, specify it by setting the value of the DB_NAME environment variable. In bash, that looks like this:

$ DB_NAME=test_db scripts/db-restore clean-slate

List Existing Backups

When called without a backup name scripts/db-restore will list available backups:

$ scripts/db-restore
Available backups are:

clean-slate 6.1M Oct 30 16:31:12
boom 5.9M Oct 19 10:45:03