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Common Errors and Solutions

Having trouble running mymove locally? This page collects common errors and their solutions.


Invalid migration path

2020-08-05T10:41:00.589-0500    INFO    milmove/migrate.go:61   checking migration config   {"git_branch": "main", "git_commit": "c42a3ef9a458e5b9de94fa3507b6c2f43b209856"}
panic: invalid configuration: Expected migrations//secure to be a path in the filesystem: invalid migration path "migrations//secure"


Run direnv allow

Pre-Commit Hook Failures

These can happen when committing your code, or when manually running the pre-commit install-hooks command. Check out this doc for all the errors and fixes: Troubleshoot Precommit Hook Failures


Engine "node" is incompatible with this module

When running yarn install, you may see an error similar to:

The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "12.21.0". Got [another version].


The project uses the node version specified in .tool-versions. Use asdf to manage your node versions and easily switch between them.

  • Install asdf:
    • brew install asdf
  • Install the correct version of Node
    • asdf plugin add nodejs
    • asdf install


The client doesn't reflect my new changes or will not build locally

The client server is detecting a build problem. You fix it, but it does not see the new code and the problem remains. Sometimes, no new build is triggered.

This can manifest in a couple of ways, appearing to be a code problem or potential a missing npm package and various other "weird" symptoms. Sometimes it occurs on branch switching without shutting down the server first.

Troubleshooting steps may include:

  • Restarting the server
  • Restarting your code editor
  • Migrating the database


Trigger a fresh build. To do so, make a change to the code. This may mean inserting a console log, shutting down and switching branches, creating an intentional syntax error, basically anything that will trigger a build.

Webpack is failing on the client build step unable to order dependencies in the bundle

As Webpack is trying to bundle the frontend javascript and css assets it can run into a problem of circular dependency where it can't deterministically split how some imports should be ordered.

You may see an error message stating Conflicting order from a plugin such as the mini-css-extract-plugin and names of css or js files that it is failing on.

The way to resolve these errors is to figure out what the common parents of these components or files are and where they are used. You will likely need to reorder the import statements of these resources in a consistent fashion. Because we are using create-react-app we can't easily suppress this warning in a webpack config.

For more details you can consult this GitHub issue.