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Option 1: Setup Using Homebrew


If you would prefer to setup using Nix, go to Option 2: Setup Using Nix.

From the mymove repo, run the following command to install all the necessary dependencies and configure your shell file:

SKIP_CHECKS=true make prereqs

This will install everything listed in Brewfile.local, as well as Docker. (Depending on your machine's configuration, you may need to ensure that go is available on the command line, and that $GOPATH is a defined system variable. Running the script will output errors if this is the case.)


The script might ask you for your macOS password at certain points, like when installing opensc, or when it needs to write to your /etc/hosts file.

Once this script is finished, quit and restart your terminal, then complete the installation:

make deps

This will install pre-commit hooks and frontend client dependencies. See the Pre-Commit guide for more information on how to use it.


Installing and configuring pre-commit the first time takes about 3 minutes.

Going forward, feel free to run make prereqs or make deps as often as you'd like to keep your system up to date. Whenever we update the app to a newer version of Go or Node, all you have to run is make prereqs and it will update everything for you.