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How to Upgrade Go Version

Upgrading the Go version that we use happens in roughly these steps:

  1. Updating our Docker Image: Update transcom/circleci-docker to point at an updated Go binary
  2. Upgrade Local Go Version: Upgrade local Go version with asdf config .tool-version
  3. Update transcom/mymove Repo: Create a PR for the transcom/mymove repo with the updated docker image hash created in step 1
  4. Notify Folks: Notify everyone that we're updating Go around the time your PR lands

1. Updating Our Docker Image

  • Grab the download URL and SHA256 checksum for the latest 64-bit Linux Go release from
    • The file name should be something like gox.xx.x.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  • Update any Dockerfile that installs go with the new go version and checksum.
  • Open a PR and ask someone from the Milmove Platform Team to approve it.
  • You may want to hold off merging this circleci-docker PR until just before you're about to land the corresponding PR for the transcom/mymove repo.
    • You can use the PR's hash to test, then merge and switch to the main hash after all testing/checks/approvals are done.
    • This keeps others who may be doing circleci-docker work from prematurely using the updated Go container before the necessary Go-related changes have landed in transcom/mymove.
  • Keep in mind that others may have merged things into the main branch on circleci-docker that haven't been deployed yet in a MilMove build. Carefully examine the diffs since the last used hash and see if any look like they could have an impact and test accordingly (including an experimental deploy if warranted such as when a base Docker image has changed).

2. Upgrade Local Go Version


For more details see Manage golang with asdf

  • Update .tool-versions to point to new version of golang
  • Run asdf install to install the new version (if you do not yet have it installed, see How to get up and running
  • Run asdf global golang <version> to update global version as well
  • go version and asdf which go to check it worked
  • Add this change to the PR created in the next step
❯ go version
go version go1.16.4 darwin/amd64

❯ asdf which go


  • Update nix/default.nix (you will also need to update the hash)
  • Run ./nix/

3. Update transcom/mymove Repo

  • After your Docker image PR lands, grab the git hash from Docker that corresponds with your merged code.
  • Update files with the updated Docker image tag hash and/or Go version:
    • Example PR
    • Update the Go version number in:
      • .tool-versions
      • go-version in .github/workflows/go-auto-approve.yml
    • Update the Docker image tag hash in:
      • .circleci/config.yml
      • Dockerfile.local
      • Dockerfile.migrations_local
      • Dockerfile.reviewapp
      • Dockerfile.tasks_local
      • Dockerfile.tools_local
      • Dockerfile.webhook_client
      • Dockerfile.webhook_client_dp3
      • Dockerfile.webhook_client_local
      • Makefile (in the docker_circleci target)
  • If you use asdf to manage your local Go version, you still need to update the nix package in nix/default.nix - use the package search to find the hash
  • If the major/minor version changed (the first or second number, e.g. 1.x.y to 2.x.y or 1.15.x to 1.16.x):
    • Example PR
    • Update the following files with the new go version:
      • go.mod
    • You may have to update the golangci-lint pre-commit hook version found in .pre-commit-config.yaml to one that supports the new Go version
  • Rerun the Go formatter on the codebase with pre-commit run --all-files golangci-lint
  • Regenerate mocks (in case the signatures have changed that we're mocking): make mocks_generate
  • Run make e2e_test_docker to test that the Dockerfile.*local files work with the new image.
  • Commit the above changes and any reformatted code and make sure everything builds correctly on CircleCI
  • You may also want to check for an upgrade to the golangci-lint version (example), particularly if doing a major Go version upgrade

4. Notify Folks

  • It can be jarring when everything suddenly breaks after pulling from main, so it's a nice courtesy to notify folks in #prac-engineering in slack that the official Go version will be updated shortly and their local Go version should be upgraded as well
  • If circleci-lint has changed as well, then in-flight PRs will need to be formatted before they are merged, lest they break main

Message template

Below is an example message one can use as a template for their notification to #prac-engineering (credit: Reggie R):

@engineering I just merged a [PR](
that upgrades the project to [Go 1.17.7]( (which includes security fixes).
When you pull that, here’s what to do if you’re using asdf:

`asdf install`
`asdf global golang 1.17.7`

You may need to restart your terminal after this if you still see mention of 1.17.5 when building.
If you happen to be using nix instead, you should be prompted to run `./nix/` after pulling.
If you’re using an IDE, you may need to adjust it to point to 1.17.7 too.