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AppContext: how and when to use it

We want our services to be composable, so that one service can call another. We also want to be able to have a per request trace id associated with a logger so that we can correlate log messages in a single request.

See ADR 0064 Use Stateless Services with Context for more background.

The way we achieve that goal is by storing the DB connection, logger, and session inside an instance of appcontext.AppContext, and requiring all functions that need one or more of those elements (DB, logger, session) to accept an argument of type appcontext.AppContext as its first argument. The function can then extract those elements from the app context, like so:

func MyFunction(appCtx appcontext.AppContext) {
db := appCtx.DB()
logger := appCtx.Logger()
session := appCtx.Session()

Search the mymove codebase for appCtx appcontext.AppContext for more usage examples. We also have examples here in Service Objects and Guide to Creating an Endpoint.

Testing with AppContext

When testing a service object function, we need to pass in an instance of the AppContext that contains the test DB and test logger. That instance can be created like this:

appcontext.NewAppContext(suite.DB(), suite.logger)

Since this is a common thing to do in tests, packages should extract this into a TestAppContext() helper method that's defined in the package's *_test.go file. For example, it is defined in pkg/services/mto_shipment/mto_shipment_service_test.go for the mtoshipment package:

// TestAppContext returns the AppContext for the test suite
func (suite *MTOShipmentServiceSuite) TestAppContext() appcontext.AppContext {
return appcontext.NewAppContext(suite.DB(), suite.logger)

Search for TestAppContext() appcontext.AppContext in the codebase for more examples.

You can then use it in tests like this:

func (suite *MTOShipmentServiceSuite) TestRejectShipment() {
router := NewShipmentRouter()
approver := NewShipmentRejecter(router)
reason := "reason"

suite.T().Run("If the shipment rejection is approved successfully, it should update the shipment status in the DB", func(t *testing.T) {
shipment := testdatagen.MakeDefaultMTOShipmentMinimal(suite.DB())
shipmentEtag := etag.GenerateEtag(shipment.UpdatedAt)
fetchedShipment := models.MTOShipment{}

rejectedShipment, err := approver.RejectShipment(suite.TestAppContext(), shipment.ID, shipmentEtag, &reason)

suite.Equal(shipment.MoveTaskOrderID, rejectedShipment.MoveTaskOrderID)

err = suite.DB().Find(&fetchedShipment, shipment.ID)

suite.Equal(models.MTOShipmentStatusRejected, fetchedShipment.Status)
suite.Equal(shipment.ID, fetchedShipment.ID)
suite.Equal(rejectedShipment.ID, fetchedShipment.ID)
suite.Equal(&reason, fetchedShipment.RejectionReason)