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How to upgrade Node

  1. Submit a PR that updates node to the new version in Here's an example.
  2. Look for the hash here:
  3. In the transcom/mymove repo, create a PR to update node. Here's an example && this PR

Things to modify:

  • Bump the nodejs version in .tool-versions and .node_version (some folks may still be using nodenv to manage node)
  • Modify the instances of milmove/circleci-docker:milmove-app- and replace the hash w/ the one found in step 2. (I used the PR branch name rather than hash so it would pull any changes I made over on the circleci-docker PR without having to update the hash each time I made a change)
  • update check-node-version and prereqs
  • Do a find and replace to update references of the prior node version with the new node version
  1. Run make clean build and verify that the desired version of Node is being used
  2. Get reviews for the 2 PRs to check your work.
  3. Merge the PR from step 1
  4. Find the new image hash from the Docker hub
  5. Update the transcom/mymove PR to use the hash from step 7
  6. Test again to make sure everything works as expected.
  7. Announce in #prac-engineering that you will be updating node and any instructions An example slack message
  8. Merge the PR in transcom/mymove


If you're getting a wrong version of node error try the following steps:

  1. run brew install nvm
  2. run mkdir ~/.nvm to create nvm working directory
  3. add nvm to shell profile by running:
    export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
    [ -s "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/" ] && \. "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/" # This loads nvm
    [ -s "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm" ] && \. "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm" # This loads nvm bash_completion
  4. run nvm install 18.20.4 with the version of nodejs you want to install
  5. run nvm use 18.20.4 with the version of nodejs you want to use

If you're still encountering errors you can use nvm to uninstall the incorrect versions nvm uninstall 18.20.2