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MilMove takes the majority of its icons from Font Awesome, and uses react-fontawesome in order to be able to easily render FontAwesome icons in React. We are using the library implementation described here, so there is a src/icons.js file that initializes all of the icons, and is included in the app entry point (as well as Storybook and Jest config files).

Using Existing Icons

To view icons we have already added, you can view the Global > Icons page in Storybook. Each icon is annotated with the icon prop value needed to use that icon.

Since we have set up the react-fontawesome icon library, you don't need to import individual icons into a component in order to use them. All you need to do is import the FontAwesomeIcon component (if it's not already imported), and use it with the correct icon prop (usually the icon name as a string, in snake-case and without the fa prefix):

import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'

<FontAwesomeIcon icon="file" />

You may notice some icons have an icon prop that is an array, where the first item is a FontAwesome icon set prefix, such as far. That's to indicate the icon belongs to the free-regular-svg-icons bundle, instead of the free-solid-svg-icons (which is the default). More about the icon prop can be found here.

react-fontawesome lets you do some basic customization using props, like change the size and orientation. See full documentation here. Color is set using the color CSS property (since the icons are rendered as SVG, they can be styled using CSS as well).

You do not need to add additional FontAwesome CSS classes (such as fa, far, fa-sort) to the component.

Adding New Icons

  1. Find the icon you want to add by searching at

Only the free-solid-svg-icons and free-regular-svg-icons sets are included in this project. When you search, make sure to filter by "Free", "Solid" and "Regular".

  1. Add the icon using its name to src/icons.js. The icon should be imported from the corresponding @fortawesome package (either free-solid-svg-icons or free-regular-svg-icons), and then added to the list of icons passed into library.add(). It should be prefixed with fa and camelCased. For example, to add air-freshener:
// src/icons.js

import {
// other existing icons...
+ faAirFreshener,
} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'

// other existing icons...
+ faAirFreshener

Also see "How do I import the same icon from two different styles"

  1. Add an example of the icon to the Icons Storybook page (src/stories/icons.stories.jsx).