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Using Modals


In a previous era, src/components/Modal/Modal.jsx would import from React USWDS's modal. However, React USWDS decided to no longer support modals. As a result, MilMove copied all the code from React USWDS' modal and placed it into src/components/MigratedModal/MigratedModal.jsx.

Using Modal

src/components/Modal/Modal.jsx should be used, and not src/components/MigratedModal/MigratedModal.jsx. At no point in time should folks be importing from MigratedModal.

MyModal Example

import styles from "./MyModal.module.scss";

import Modal, {
} from "components/Modal/Modal";

// MyModal should also be exported by itself so that you can import it as is
// without the overlay and the modal container. This is useful for both testing
// and storybook.
export const MyModal = ({ onClose }) => {
return (
<Modal className={styles.whateverStylesYouWant}>
<ModalClose handleClick={() => onClose()} />
<h4>My Modal</h4>
My Modal Content
{/*There is usually another action button, but it has been left out of
this example since I wanted to highlight is how this button passes a
function that calls onClose as the onClick handler.*/}
<Button type="button" secondary onClick={() => onClose()}>

MyModal.propTypes = {
onCLose: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

// It is important to have this display name so that connectModal knows how to
// re-export the modal. This modal will then be imported as ConnectedMyModal.
MyModal.displayName = "MyModal";

export default connectModal(MyModal);

Using MyModal Example

import React, {useState} from 'React';

import ConnectedMyModal from './MyModal'

const ComponentThatUsesMyModal = () => {
const [myModalIsVisible, setMyModalIsVisible] = useState(false);

const handleOpenMyModal = () => {

const handleCloseMyModal = () => {

return (
<Button type="button" onClick={() => handleOpenMyModal()}>
{/* The isOpen prop is passed down through Modal to Migrated modal and
determines whether to return the modal component or return null.*/}
<ConnectedMyModal isOpen={myModalIsVisible} onClose={handleCLoseMyModal}/>

Testing MyModal

Imports for testing MyModal should work as follows.

import { MyModal } from "./MyModal";

Storybook MyModal

Imports for MyModal in Storybook should work as follows.

import { MyModal } from "./MyModal";


  • EulaModal is a live example of how this all works inside MilMove.
  • SignIn demonstrates how EulaModal gets used.