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All of our code is intermingled in the top level directory of mymove. Here is an explanation of what some of these directories contain:

  • .circleci: Directory for CircleCI CI/CD configuration
  • bin: A location for tools compiled from the cmd directory
  • build: The build output directory for the client. This is what the development server serves
  • cmd: The location of main packages for any go binaries we build
  • config: Config files for the database and AWS ECS. Also certificates.
  • cypress: The integration test files for the Cypress tool
  • docs: A location for docs for the project. This is where ADRs are
  • internal: Generated code for duty station loader
  • migrations: Database migrations, see [./migrations/]
  • node_modules: Cached javascript dependencies for the client
  • pkg: The location of all of our go code for the server and various tools
  • public: The client's static resources
  • scripts: A location for tools helpful for developing this project
  • src: The react source code for the client
  • swagger: The swagger definition files for each of our APIs