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API / Swagger

Internal services (i.e. endpoints only intended for use by the React client) are defined in swagger-def/internal.yaml and served from the value of the basePath: stanza at the root of the generated ./swagger/internal.yaml file. Internal endpoints are not intended for use by external clients.

The Orders Gateway's API is defined in the file swagger-def/orders.yaml and served from the value of the basePath: stanza at the root of the generated ./swagger/orders.yaml file.

The Admin API is defined in the file swagger-def/admin.yaml and served from the value of the basePath: stanza at the root of the generated ./swagger/admin.yaml file.

The Prime API is defined in the file ./swagger-def/prime.yaml and served from the value of the basePath: stanza at the root of the generated ./swagger/prime.yaml file.

You can view the documentation for the following APIs (powered by Swagger UI) at the following URLS with a local client and server running:

For more information on API / Swagger definitions, please review the README documentation found in the ./swagger/ and ./swagger-def/ files.