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GoLand supports attaching the debugger to a running process, however this requires that the server has been built with specific flags. If you wish to use this feature in development add the following line export GOLAND=1 to your .envrc.local. Once the server starts follow the steps outlined in the article above and you should now be able to set breakpoints using the GoLand debugger.

Goland: Nix

To get Goland to play nicely with nix, there's a few things you can set up:

  • Update GOROOT to /nix/var/nix/profiles/mymove/bin/go
    • Note that once you add it, Goland will resolve it to the actual path (the one above is a link), so it’ll look something like /nix/store/rv16prybnsmav8w1sqdgr80jcwsja98q-go-1.19.3/bin/go
  • Update GOPATH to point to the .gopath dir in the mymove repo
    • You may need to create the .gopath dir yourself.
  • Update Node and NPM:
    • Node interpreter: /nix/var/nix/profiles/mymove/bin/node
    • Package manager:
      • This might be fixed automatically, but if not, you can point it /nix/var/nix/profiles/mymove/bin/yarn
      • Similar to GOROOT, it will resolve to something that looks like /nix/store/cnmxp5isc3ck1bm11zryy8dnsbnm87wk-yarn-1.22.10/libexec/yarn