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Use, Purpose, and Documentation

This document lists all the current Dockerfiles we use, their base images, and what user that image uses. It also notes why that image uses the user account it uses.

NOTE for based images these by default run with root locally. However, we have updated our ECS task definition (See code here) to override that to run with a UID of 1042 and not root/UID:0.

All docker images that are deployed must not use root as their user inside the container to meet Docker STIG requirements. We've updated all Dockerfiles for deployed containers to not use root. We chose not to do this as well on Dockerfiles for images that are not deployed but only used on local laptops or in our CircleCI pipeline for development and testing.

Dockerfilebase imageuserWhere it's used
Dockerfile* (locally) and UID:1042 (Deployed)When running the application when deployed (locally)When running the application locally only
Dockerfile.migrations*alpine:\<version>rootRunning migrations when deploying the app, staging, experimental, and production
Dockerfile.migrations_localalpine:\<version>rootRunning migrations locally only
cypress/Dockerfile.cypresscypress/base:\<version>rootRunning cypress tests locally and in CircleCI only
Dockerfile.storybookmilmove/circleci-docker:milmove-app-browsers-<SHA>circleciUsed when running storybook tests in CircleCI only
Dockerfile.storybook_localmilmove/circleci-docker:milmove-app-browsers-<SHA>circleciUsed when running make storybook_tests or make storybook_docker locally only
Dockerfile.tasks* (locally) and UID:1042 (CircleCI / Deployed)ECS Scheduled Tasks (locally) and UID:1042 (CircleCI / Deployed)ECS Scheduled Tasks local only
Dockerfile.toolsalpine:\<version>rootContainer for tools used in e2e testing on CircleCI
Dockerfile.tools_localalpine:\<version>rootContainer for tools used in e2e testing on CircleCI local only

* Images that are used in deployed environments outside of local laptops or build/test pipeline in CircleCI