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Acceptance testing payment requests


For more information about EDI, see our EDI 858 page

Link to a video walk-through example of acceptance testing a payment request. Video in Google Drive 🔒.

Pricing Acceptance Tool​

In lieu of the following instructions, you can use the pricing-acceptance script to kick off the acceptance process for pricing stories.


This script creates a brand new shipment. To use, first find an approved move and use its moveCode or moveID when calling the script.


pricing-acceptance <moveCodeOrID>

pricing-acceptance <moveCodeOrID>

pricing-acceptance <moveCodeOrID> proof_of_service_docs.pdf

After calling the tool, you will be prompted to include a path to a payload for the service item you wish to price.

Example output:
"body": {
"moveTaskOrderID": "9c7b255c-2981-4bf8-839f-61c7458e2b4d",
"mtoShipmentID": "0d3a0a52-a9fc-4a7e-bbf4-80f762da44d8",
"modelType": "MTOServiceItemShuttle",
"reServiceCode": "DOSHUT",
"estimatedWeight": 1400,
"actualWeight": 1400,
"reason": "Explanation of why a shuttle service is required",
"description": "Description of shuttling"

The CLI will output the moveCodeOrID and mtoShipmentID that should be use in the payload

The CLI will create a payment request for the service item provided. You will be prompted to login as a TIO and approve the payment request. Once approved, you can resume the CLI which will then generate an EDI.

Creating a new MTO with shipments​

Currently there is a temporary converter that will convert PPMs to HHGs for use in testing on staging. It is not enabled in production. The converter code is in pkg/services/converthelper/convert.go. This allows us to create a new MTO and it will automatically create two shipments, a line haul and a short haul.

1. Create a new PPM​

I'm not sure if you need to create a new service member each time but I think PPMs are limited to one per SM.

  • Go to http://milmovelocal:3000/
  • Create a new milmove user and Sign in the local sign in feature
  • Create a new PPM move request
    • Use the fake names spreadsheet for names and addresses
    • Go through the whole thing and sign the form to submit the move
  • Submit the move

Successfully Submitted Screenshot


For staging the only difference is to visit and click Sign in and then Create a new account instead of local sign in.

2. Approve HHG shipments and send to prime​


For staging after creating a PPM move it is automatically converted to an HHG because staging has FEATURE_FLAG_CONVERT_PPMS_TO_GHC on. But to see these HHG moves you have to log into the with a user that has the TOO role. You can give yourself the TOO role in the app.

  • Sign into http://officelocal:3000/ as (PPM office) via the local sign in feature
  • See that the move is listed in the queue
  • Click Customer Details Page Skeleton link
  • See that an HHG_LONGHAUL_DOMESTIC and HHG_SHORTHAUL_DOMESTIC shipments are added
  • Approve each and see that the appropriate service items are added for each. (See this spreadsheet to confirm what those service items should be)
  • Click Send to Prime at the bottom of the page to make it available to the prime.

At this point you should be able to move on to setting up a payment request.


The MTO Shipments that are created will have PrimeEstimatedWeight set to 4096 for each shipment. This is done because of the restrictions on when the prime can set estimated weight making it extra difficult to setup examples in staging.

Adding Service Items to a Shipment​

Use the appropriate payload and create file to add service items to the shipment. Some examples are below, or see reDoc createMTOServiceItem for more help.

prime-api-client --cac --hostname --port 443 create-mto-service-item --filename create_payload.json | jq

Adding Crating​

"body" : {
"moveTaskOrderID": "<enter UUID>",
"mtoShipmentID": "<enter UUID>",
"modelType": "MTOServiceItemDomesticCrating",
"reServiceCode": "DCRT",
"item": {
"type": "ITEM",
"length": 1000,
"width": 1000,
"height": 1000
"crate": {
"type": "CRATE",
"length": 1100,
"width": 1100,
"height": 1100
"description": "<enter drescription>",
"reason": "<enter reason>"

Add Shuttling​

"body" : {
"modelType": "MTOServiceItemShuttle",
"moveTaskOrderID": "<YOUR MOVE ID>",
"mtoShipmentID": "<YOUR SHIPMENT ID>",
"status": "SUBMITTED",
"reServiceCode": "DOSHUT",
"description": "description",
"reason": "reason",
"estimatedWeight": 4200

Creating a Payment request​

It may be helpful to check out the API docs, see Milmove Prime API Documentation and Milmove Support API Documentation. Also further information in this repo.


See above for instructions on how to you set these up via the UI

  • MTO has to be made available to the prime
  • MTO has an approved shipment
  • MTOShipment has scheduledPickupDate set to at least 10 days after TOO approved date
  • MTOShipment has actualPickupDate, primeEstimatedWeight, and primeActualWeight set
    • primeEstimatedWeight has restrictions:
      • Cannot be edited once set
      • Cannot be set if scheduledPickupDate is too close to TOO approved date

Add weights to the shipment​


The PrimeEstimatedWeight will be set already if using the PPM to HHG converter as instructed above. If it is you won't need to set it again, in fact you can't adjust it once set so omit it from the payloads

To update a shipment with estimated and actual weights get the eTag for the shipment. The first id is for the MTO, and the second is for the MTOShipment.


prime-api-client --insecure fetch-mto-updates | jq 'map(select(.id == "da3f34cc-fb94-4e0b-1c90-ba3333cb7791")) | .[0] | .mtoShipments | map(select(.id == "b4306be8-146f-482c-b4a2-8432d4b970ca")) | .[0] | .eTag'


prime-api-client --cac --hostname --port 443 fetch-mto-updates | jq 'map(select(.id == "da3f34cc-fb94-4e0b-1c90-ba3333cb7791")) | .[0] | .mtoShipments | map(select(.id == "b4306be8-146f-482c-b4a2-8432d4b970ca")) | .[0] | .eTag'

Then use that eTag in the following payload, which you should save in update_mto_shipment.json. This example includes the additional fields of scheduledPickupDate and actualPickupDate.

"mtoShipmentID": "b4306be8-146f-482c-b4a2-8432d4b970ca",
"If-Match": "MjAyMC0wNi0wOVQwNTo1ODowMC44MjA3NDha",
"body": {
"scheduledPickupDate": "2020-11-22",
"actualPickupDate": "2020-11-22"

Now you can update the shipment


prime-api-client --insecure update-mto-shipment --filename update_mto_shipment.json | jq


prime-api-client --cac --hostname --port 443 update-mto-shipment --filename update_mto_shipment.json | jq

Once the scheduledPickupDate and actualPickupDate are set you will need to repeat the above steps with the following payload to update the mto shipment again to add the weights.

"mtoShipmentID": "b4306be8-146f-482c-b4a2-8432d4b970ca",
"If-Match": "MjAyMC0wNi0wOVQwNTo1ODowMC44MjA3NDha",
"body": {
"primeEstimatedWeight": 1000,
"primeActualWeight": 3000

Domestic Destination First Day SIT​

"body": {
"moveTaskOrderID": "<insert MTO ID>",
"mtoShipmentID": "<insert shipment ID>",
"modelType": "MTOServiceItemDestSIT",
"reServiceCode": "DDFSIT",
"timeMilitary1": "1705Z",
"firstAvailableDeliveryDate1": "2021-01-31",
"timeMilitary2": "0719Z",
"firstAvailableDeliveryDate2": "2021-02-03",
"sitEntryDate": "2021-01-12"


prime-api-client --insecure create-mto-service-item --filename create_ddfsit.json | jq


prime-api-client --cac --hostname --port 443 create-mto-service-item --filename create_ddfsit.json | jq

Domestic Origin First Day SIT​

"body": {
"moveTaskOrderID": "<insert MTO ID>",
"mtoShipmentID": "<insert shipment ID>",
"modelType": "MTOServiceItemOriginSIT",
"reServiceCode": "DOFSIT",
"sitPostalCode": "30907",
"reason": "my address changed",
"sitEntryDate": "2021-01-13"


prime-api-client --insecure create-mto-service-item --filename create_dofsit.json | jq


prime-api-client --cac --hostname --port 443 create-mto-service-item --filename create_dofsit.json | jq

Create a Payment Request​

You need to be sure that the MTO and MTO Shipment have the details needed for pricing the Service Items included in the payment request. For example to price a Domestic Linehaul service item the MTO Shipment will need both estimated and actual weight set. See above on how to update the shipment.

To create a payment request add the following JSON to a file called create_payment_request.json

"body": {
"isFinal": false,
"moveTaskOrderID": "da3f34cc-fb94-4e0b-1c90-ba3333cb7791",
"serviceItems": [
"id": "9db1bf43-0964-44ff-8384-3297951f6781"

Then execute the command to create the payment request.


prime-api-client --insecure create-payment-request --filename create_payment_request.json | jq


prime-api-client --cac --hostname --port 443 create-payment-request --filename create_payment_request.json | jq

Create a Payment Request Upload​



prime-api-client --insecure  create-upload --paymentRequestID "a6268f43-fcf9-4b71-aa59-ea2f55aeb324" --filename "/Users/jacquelinemckinney/Documents/mymove/pcs orders/dd1614_pcs.pdf" | jqprime-api-client --insecure create-payment-request --filename create_payment_request.json | jq


prime-api-client --cac --hostname --port 443 create-upload --paymentRequestID "a6268f43-fcf9-4b71-aa59-ea2f55aeb324" --filename "/Users/jacquelinemckinney/Documents/mymove/pcs orders/dd1614_pcs.pdf" | jq

Verifying Pricing​


Since we cannot run queries on staging you will need to run the below queries locally. However, you can load the staging rate data into your database locally by running make run_staging_migrations and then running the queries in deployed_migrations database.

Domestic Short Haul (DSH)​

Formula for price calculation priceInCents = (Weight Billed Actual / 100.0) * distanceInMiles * rateInCents * escalationCompounded round to nearest cent.


The distanceInMiles is obtained from the DistanceZip5 field in paymentServiceItemsParams on the payment request. Weight Billed Actual is also found in paymentServiceItemsParams.

To get the rate and escalationCompounded run the following query filling in the service item params for your payment request.

select price_cents, escalation_compounded from re_domestic_service_area_prices dsap
inner join re_domestic_service_areas sa on dsap.domestic_service_area_id =
inner join re_services on dsap.service_id =
inner join re_contracts on = dsap.contract_id
inner join re_contract_years on = re_contract_years.contract_id
where sa.service_area = '076'
and re_services.code = 'DSH'
and re_contracts.code = 'TRUSS_TEST'
and dsap.is_peak_period = true
and '2020-06-29' between re_contract_years.start_date and re_contract_years.end_date;

Domestic Long Haul (DLH)​

Formula for price calculation priceInCents = ((Weight Billed Actual / 100.0) * distanceInMiles * rateInMillicents * escalationCompounded) / 1000 round to nearest cent

select price_millicents, escalation_compounded
from re_domestic_linehaul_prices dlp
inner join re_contracts c on dlp.contract_id =
inner join re_contract_years cy on = cy.contract_id
inner join re_domestic_service_areas dsa on dlp.domestic_service_area_id =
where c.code = 'TRUSS_TEST'
and '2020-06-29' between cy.start_date and cy.end_date
and dlp.is_peak_period = true
and 3000 between dlp.weight_lower and dlp.weight_upper
and 2376 between dlp.miles_lower and dlp.miles_upper
and dsa.service_area = '076';

Domestic Destination Price (DDP)​

Formula for price calculation priceInCents = (Weight Billed Actual / 100.0) * rateInCents * escalationCompounded round to nearest cent

select price_cents, escalation_compounded from re_domestic_service_area_prices dsap
inner join re_domestic_service_areas sa on dsap.domestic_service_area_id =
inner join re_services on dsap.service_id =
inner join re_contracts on = dsap.contract_id
inner join re_contract_years on = re_contract_years.contract_id
where sa.service_area = '080'
and re_services.code = 'DDP'
and re_contracts.code = 'TRUSS_TEST'
and dsap.is_peak_period = true
and '2020-06-26' between re_contract_years.start_date and re_contract_years.end_date;

Domestic Origin Price (DOP)​

Formula for price calculation priceInCents = (Weight Billed Actual / 100.0) * rateInCents * escalationCompounded round to nearest cent

select price_cents, escalation_compounded from re_domestic_service_area_prices dsap
inner join re_domestic_service_areas sa on dsap.domestic_service_area_id =
inner join re_services on dsap.service_id =
inner join re_contracts on = dsap.contract_id
inner join re_contract_years on = re_contract_years.contract_id
where sa.service_area = '080'
and re_services.code = 'DOP'
and re_contracts.code = 'TRUSS_TEST'
and dsap.is_peak_period = true
and '2020-06-26' between re_contract_years.start_date and re_contract_years.end_date;

Domestic Packing Price (DPK)​

Formula for price calculation priceInCents = (Weight Billed Actual / 100.0) * rateInCents * escalationCompounded round to nearest cent

select price_cents, escalation_compounded from re_domestic_other_prices dop
inner join re_services on dop.service_id =
inner join re_contracts on = dop.contract_id
inner join re_contract_years on = re_contract_years.contract_id
where re_services.code = 'DPK'
and re_contracts.code = 'TRUSS_TEST'
and dop.is_peak_period = true
and dop.schedule = 3
and '2020-07-22' between re_contract_years.start_date and re_contract_years.end_date;

Domestic Unpacking Price (DUPK)​

Formula for price calculation priceInCents = (Weight Billed Actual / 100.0) * rateInCents * escalationCompounded round to nearest cent

select price_cents, escalation_compounded from re_domestic_other_prices dop
inner join re_services on dop.service_id =
inner join re_contracts on = dop.contract_id
inner join re_contract_years on = re_contract_years.contract_id
where re_services.code = 'DUPK'
and re_contracts.code = 'TRUSS_TEST'
and dop.is_peak_period = true
and dop.schedule = 3
and '2020-07-22' between re_contract_years.start_date and re_contract_years.end_date;

Fuel Surcharge Price (FSC)​

Formula for price calculation

  1. (weekly national diesel fuel price - 2.50) x 100 = price difference in cents
  2. Determine the weight based distance multiplier
    • For shipments up to 5,000 lbs, the amount is $0.000417 per mile.
    • For shipments between 5,001 and 10,000 lbs, the amount is $0.0006255 per mile.
    • For shipments 10,001 to 24,000, the amount is $0.000834 per mile.
    • For shipments over 24,001 lbs, the amount is $0.00139 per mile.
  3. weight based distance multiplier x distance = fuel surcharge multiplier
  4. price difference in cents x fuel surcharge multiplier = fuel surcharge price

All information for calculating the FSC and the FSC price can be verified by checking the params that are returned upon successfully creating a payment request.

Domestic Destination or Origin First Day SIT (DDFSIT or DOFSIT)​

note: edit re_services.code = 'DDFSIT' for DDFSIT or DOFSIT

Formula for price calculation priceInCents = (Weight Billed Actual / 100.0) * rateInCents * escalationCompounded round to nearest cent

select price_cents, escalation_compounded from re_domestic_service_area_prices dsap
inner join re_domestic_service_areas sa on dsap.domestic_service_area_id =
inner join re_services on dsap.service_id =
inner join re_contracts on = dsap.contract_id
inner join re_contract_years on = re_contract_years.contract_id
where sa.service_area = '080'
and re_services.code = 'DDFSIT'
and re_contracts.code = 'TRUSS_TEST'
and dsap.is_peak_period = true
and '2020-06-26' between re_contract_years.start_date and re_contract_years.end_date;

Domestic Destination or Origin SIT Additional Days (DDASIT or DOASIT)​

note: edit re_services.code = 'DDASIT' for DDASIT or DOASIT

priceInCents = (Weight Billed Actual / 100.0) number of days rateInCents * escalationCompounded round to nearest cent

select price_cents, escalation_compounded from re_domestic_service_area_prices dsap
inner join re_domestic_service_areas sa on dsap.domestic_service_area_id =
inner join re_services on dsap.service_id =
inner join re_contracts on = dsap.contract_id
inner join re_contract_years on = re_contract_years.contract_id
where sa.service_area = '781'
and re_services.code = 'DDASIT'
and re_contracts.code = 'TRUSS_TEST'
and dsap.is_peak_period = false
and '2021-02-04' between re_contract_years.start_date and re_contract_years.end_date;

Domestic Destination Delivery or Origin Pickup SIT (DDDSIT or DOPSIT)​

note: edit re_services.code = 'DDDSIT' for DDDSIT or DOPSIT

note: for details about setting up delivery/pickup SIT service items and example ZIP codes for testing each of these scenarios, see this page.

If zip3 to same zip3, use the domestic shorthaul calculation.

If zip3 to different zip3 and > 50 miles, use the domestic linehaul calculation.

If zip3 to different zip3 and <= 50 miles, use the following:

Formula for price calculation priceInCents = (Weight Billed Actual / 100.0) * rateInCents * escalationCompounded round to nearest cent

select price_cents, escalation_compounded from re_domestic_other_prices dop
inner join re_services on dop.service_id =
inner join re_contracts on = dop.contract_id
inner join re_contract_years on = re_contract_years.contract_id
where re_services.code = 'DDDSIT'
and re_contracts.code = 'TRUSS_TEST'
and dop.is_peak_period = true
and dop.schedule = 3
and '2020-07-22' between re_contract_years.start_date and re_contract_years.end_date;

Domestic Destination Shuttling (DDSHUT)​

Formula for price calculation priceInCents = (Weight Billed Actual / 100.0) rateInCents escalationCompounded round to nearest cent

select per_unit_cents, escalation_compounded from re_domestic_accessorial_prices dap
inner join re_services on dap.service_id =
inner join re_contracts on = dap.contract_id
inner join re_contract_years on = re_contract_years.contract_id
where re_services.code = 'DDSHUT'
and re_contracts.code = 'TRUSS_TEST'
and dap.services_schedule = 3
and '2020-07-22' between re_contract_years.start_date and re_contract_years.end_date;

Domestic Origin Shuttling (DOSHUT)​

Formula for price calculation priceInCents = (Weight Billed Actual / 100.0) rateInCents escalationCompounded round to nearest cent

select per_unit_cents, escalation_compounded from re_domestic_accessorial_prices dap
inner join re_services on dap.service_id =
inner join re_contracts on = dap.contract_id
inner join re_contract_years on = re_contract_years.contract_id
where re_services.code = 'DOSHUT'
and re_contracts.code = 'TRUSS_TEST'
and dap.services_schedule = 3
and '2020-07-22' between re_contract_years.start_date and re_contract_years.end_date;

Domestic Crating (DCRT)​

Formula for price calculation priceInCents = cubicFeetBilled rateInCents escalationCompounded round to nearest cent

select per_unit_cents, escalation_compounded from re_domestic_accessorial_prices dap
inner join re_services on dap.service_id =
inner join re_contracts on = dap.contract_id
inner join re_contract_years on = re_contract_years.contract_id
where re_services.code = 'DCRT'
and re_contracts.code = 'TRUSS_TEST'
and dap.services_schedule = 3
and '2020-07-22' between re_contract_years.start_date and re_contract_years.end_date;

Domestic Uncrating (DUCRT)​

Formula for price calculation priceInCents = cubicFeetBilled rateInCents escalationCompounded round to nearest cent

select per_unit_cents, escalation_compounded from re_domestic_accessorial_prices dap
inner join re_services on dap.service_id =
inner join re_contracts on = dap.contract_id
inner join re_contract_years on = re_contract_years.contract_id
where re_services.code = 'DUCRT'
and re_contracts.code = 'TRUSS_TEST'
and dap.services_schedule = 3
and '2020-07-22' between re_contract_years.start_date and re_contract_years.end_date;

Generate EDI via Support API​


See above for instructions on how to create a payment request. Also you can run fetch-mto-updates to find an existing payment request to use for generating an EDI.

  • MTO with a payment request created

Generate EDI via Support API​

To generate an EDI add the following JSON to a file called get_payment_request_edi.json

"paymentRequestID": "6ed3829c-c83e-4ffd-8fcc-a7025638266f"

Then execute the command to create the payment request.


prime-api-client --insecure support-get-payment-request-edi --filename get_payment_request_edi.json | jq -r '.edi'


prime-api-client --cac --hostname --port 443  support-get-payment-request-edi --filename get_payment_request_edi.json | jq -r '.edi'

Move Task Order actions​

Create an MTO Shipment via prime API​

If you need to create a new MTO Shipment create a file named create_mto_shipment.json with the following data

"body": {
"moveTaskOrderID": "da3f34cc-fb94-4e0b-1c90-ba3333cb7791",
"shipmentType": "HHG",
"requestedPickupDate": "2020-06-08",
"customerRemarks": "special one handle with care",
"pickupAddress": {
"city": "Beverly Hills",
"country": "US",
"postalCode": "90210",
"state": "CA",
"streetAddress1": "123 Any Street",
"streetAddress2": "P.O. Box 12345",
"streetAddress3": "c/o Some Person"
"destinationAddress": {
"city": "Fairfield",
"country": "US",
"postalCode": "94535",
"state": "CA",
"streetAddress1": "987 Any Avenue",
"streetAddress2": "P.O. Box 9876",
"streetAddress3": "c/o Some Person"
"agents": [
"firstName": "James",
"lastName": "Semaj",
"email": "",
"phone": "234-555-1234",
"agentType": "RELEASING_AGENT"
"pointOfContact": "string",
"mtoServiceItems": []

Execute the following command to create the shipment


prime-api-client --insecure create-mto-shipment --filename create_mto_shipment.json | jq


prime-api-client --cac --hostname --port 443 create-mto-shipment --filename create_mto_shipment.json

Approve MTO Shipment​


To approve an MTO shipment use the following steps:

Make MTO available to the prime​

There are two ways to do this


To make an MTO available to the prime use the following steps:

Via support api​

If needed you can make a MTO available to the prime via the API you can save the following payload to a file avail_to_prime.json. Note this makes use of the support API.

"moveTaskOrderID": "da3f34cc-fb94-4e0b-1c90-ba3333cb7791",
"If-Match": "MjAyMC0wNi0wOVQwNTo0MzozMC43MzA5Nzla"

Then run the following command


prime-api-client --insecure support-make-move-task-order-available --filename avail_to_prime.json | jq'


prime-api-client --cac --hostname --port 443 support-make-move-task-order-available --filename avail_to_prime.json | jq'


Errors during service item param lookups don't bubble up​

When creating a payment request you may get an empty payload. This is usually caused by an exception who's message is not being propagated up to the response. There is an open story to fix this, but if it happens during acceptance you should look at the logs to see what went wrong.

Searching For Errors in Staging​

This can be done in CloudWatch using the Log Insights (See this doc for details), or more easily with the ecs-service-logs tool. If you have a instance in the error message you can use that as the milmove_trace_id

Example error response:
"Payload": {
"detail": "An internal server error has occurred",
"instance": "4dacdb9e-0063-44c7-aa21-ebed1e8c221b",
"title": "Internal Server Error"
aws-vault exec transcom-gov-milmove-stg -- ecs-service-logs show -s app-client-tls -e stg 'milmove_trace_id=4dacdb9e-0063-44c7-aa21-ebed1e8c221b' | jq .
Sample output:
"level": "info",
"ts": "2020-06-17T18:45:48.516Z",
"caller": "primeapi/payment_request.go:39",
"msg": "primeapi.CreatePaymentRequestHandler info",
"git_branch": "main",
"git_commit": "71969d2e81f4fb10c5333bf9f152430541a06681",
"ecs_cluster": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:923914045601:cluster/app-staging",
"ecs_task_def_family": "app-client-tls-staging",
"ecs_task_def_revision": "2588",
"milmove_trace_id": "4dacdb9e-0063-44c7-aa21-ebed1e8c221b",
"pointOfContact": ""
"level": "error",
"ts": "2020-06-17T18:45:49.130Z",
"caller": "primeapi/payment_request.go:81",
"msg": "Error creating payment request",
"git_branch": "main",
"git_commit": "71969d2e81f4fb10c5333bf9f152430541a06681",
"ecs_cluster": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:923914045601:cluster/app-staging",
"ecs_task_def_family": "app-client-tls-staging",
"ecs_task_def_revision": "2588",
"milmove_trace_id": "4dacdb9e-0063-44c7-aa21-ebed1e8c221b",
"error": "Failed to create service item param for param key <ServiceAreaOrigin> MTO ID <07b3adf0-1c53-40d0-becc-b157828d5dbd> paymentRequestID <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> MTO Service item ID <b68f3e45-acbc-48ae-b4a3-6fa34f781b50> RE Service Item Code: <> Name: <> err: Failed to lookup ServiceParamValue for param key <ServiceAreaOrigin> err: failed ServiceParamValue ServiceAreaOriginLookup with error sql: no rows in result set",
"stacktrace": "\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/handlers/primeapi/payment_request.go:81\*CreatePaymentRequest).ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/gen/primeapi/primeoperations/payment_requests/create_payment_request.go:60\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\ngoji%2eio.dispatch.ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/request_logger.go:77\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/no_cache.go:13\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/auth/authentication/auth.go:205\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/auth/authentication/client_cert.go:61\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/auth/hostname_detector.go:21\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\ngoji%2eio.(*Mux).ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\ngoji%2eio.dispatch.ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/limit_body_size.go:15\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/security_headers.go:28\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/recovery.go:50\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/context_logger.go:18\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/trace.go:29\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\ngoji%2eio.(*Mux).ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\ngoji%2eio.dispatch.ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\ngoji%2eio.(*Mux).ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\nnet/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2807\nnet/http.(*conn).serve\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1895"
"level": "error",
"ts": "2020-06-17T18:45:49.130Z",
"caller": "primeapi/payment_request.go:106",
"msg": "Payment Request",
"git_branch": "main",
"git_commit": "71969d2e81f4fb10c5333bf9f152430541a06681",
"ecs_cluster": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:923914045601:cluster/app-staging",
"ecs_task_def_family": "app-client-tls-staging",
"ecs_task_def_revision": "2588",
"milmove_trace_id": "4dacdb9e-0063-44c7-aa21-ebed1e8c221b",
"payload": {
"isFinal": false,
"moveTaskOrderID": "07b3adf0-1c53-40d0-becc-b157828d5dbd",
"serviceItems": [
"id": "b68f3e45-acbc-48ae-b4a3-6fa34f781b50",
"params": null
"stacktrace": "\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/handlers/primeapi/payment_request.go:106\*CreatePaymentRequest).ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/gen/primeapi/primeoperations/payment_requests/create_payment_request.go:60\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\ngoji%2eio.dispatch.ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/request_logger.go:77\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/no_cache.go:13\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/auth/authentication/auth.go:205\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/auth/authentication/client_cert.go:61\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/auth/hostname_detector.go:21\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\ngoji%2eio.(*Mux).ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\ngoji%2eio.dispatch.ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/limit_body_size.go:15\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/security_headers.go:28\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/recovery.go:50\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/context_logger.go:18\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\\n\t/home/circleci/transcom/mymove/pkg/middleware/trace.go:29\nnet/http.HandlerFunc.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2012\ngoji%2eio.(*Mux).ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\ngoji%2eio.dispatch.ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\ngoji%2eio.(*Mux).ServeHTTP\n\t/home/circleci/go/pkg/mod/\nnet/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:2807\nnet/http.(*conn).serve\n\t/usr/local/go/src/net/http/server.go:1895"
"level": "info",
"ts": "2020-06-17T18:45:49.130Z",
"caller": "middleware/request_logger.go:85",
"msg": "Request",
"git_branch": "main",
"git_commit": "71969d2e81f4fb10c5333bf9f152430541a06681",
"ecs_cluster": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:923914045601:cluster/app-stg",
"ecs_task_def_family": "app-client-tls-stg",
"ecs_task_def_revision": "2588",
"milmove_trace_id": "4dacdb9e-0063-44c7-aa21-ebed1e8c221b",
"accepted-language": "",
"content-length": 152,
"host": "",
"method": "POST",
"protocol-version": "HTTP/1.1",
"referer": "",
"source": "",
"url": "/prime/v1/payment-requests",
"user-agent": "Go-http-client/1.1",
"protocol": "https",
"headers": 5,
"client-cert-id": "4fea0eb1-0009-47a8-98f4-0a102ee53a4f",
"duration": 0.614004182,
"resp-size-bytes": 133,
"resp-status": 500


Tips on filtering down the JSON responses from the API. You can experiment with jq filter options by inputting the JSON into this tool (

prime-api-client --insecure fetch-mto-updates | \
jq 'map(select(.id == "53d5128e-158b-49a6-b3b3-64648b17afaa")) | .[0]'
prime-api-client --insecure fetch-mto-updates | \
jq 'map(select(.id == "da3f34cc-fb94-4e0b-1c90-ba3333cb7791")) | .[0] | .mtoShipments | map(select(.id == "b4148fad-acc6-4065-b387-90d05a702a24")) | .[0] | .eTag'
prime-api-client --cac --hostname --port 443 fetch-mto-updates | jq 'sort_by(.updatedAt) | .[-1]'
prime-api-client --cac --hostname --port 443 fetch-mto-updates | jq 'map(select(.moveCode == "9YGVRV")) | .[0]'

List all of the MTO service items for a shipment​

prime-api-client --insecure fetch-mto-updates | jq 'map(select(.id == "9a5cd4ba-f1b4-4fbe-8469-0ba245c3ec95")) | .[0] | .mtoServiceItems | map(select(.mtoShipmentID == "a6445307-2012-4e8f-9af3-b5166d8f051d")) '

Generate PR payload from MTO ID and Shipment ID with certain service codes​

prime-api-client --insecure fetch-mto-updates | jq 'map(select(.id == "9a5cd4ba-f1b4-4fbe-8469-0ba245c3ec95")) | .[0] | .mtoServiceItems | map(select((.mtoShipmentID == "a6445307-2012-4e8f-9af3-b5166d8f051d") and .reServiceCode == "FSC" or .reService == "DLH" or .reServiceCode == "DOP" or .reServiceCode == "DPK" or .reServiceCode == "DUPK" ) ) | { body: { isFinal: false, moveTaskOrderID: "9a5cd4ba-f1b4-4fbe-8469-0ba245c3ec95", serviceItems: map({ id: .id }) } }'