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How to run acceptance tests

Before accepting work to merge into main, different feature branches need to go through manual acceptance testing. This document will get you set up for that testing and also show you how to run tests against feature branches.


Video Walk Through

This setup doc assumes you're new to development environments and that you also haven't set anything up on your computer to use the terminal. You'll have to do a modified version of what developers typically do to set up their machines. However, if you are a developer you likely have all this set up already.


Many of these instructions should only be run once. If you run it and have an error then a few of these commands will not work as intended the second time. Please reach out to #prac-engineering or #prac-infrasec for help.

  • Work with the Infrastructure team to ensure you have Github access and an AWS user provisioned
  • Install Homebrew
    • Use the following command /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
    • Update your $PATH in your ~/.bash_profile with echo "export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin:/sbin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
    • Then update our terminal with the new changes source ~/.bash_profile
  • Install git with brew install git
  • Get the Project Code
    • If you do not have a directory for code then make one and move into it with mkdir -p ~/Projects && cd ~/Projects
    • Visit the Github Personal Access Tokens page to generate a new token. Name the token "MY_NAME MyMove Repo Token" and select the repo permissions and generate. Then copy this token and put it into your password manager (You will not be able to see it again). You will use this token instead of a password when cloning the repositories. For more on 2FA and Github you can visit Two-factor Authentication with Github.
    • Clone the transcom/mymove repository to your laptop with git clone No username/password should be required.
    • Clone the transcom/transcom-infrasec-com repository to your laptop with git clone Your username and password will be needed. The password is the generated personal access token you made previously.
  • You will need to modify your /etc/hosts file to include the hosts required for this project.
    • Run make check_hosts and follow any of the instructions that it presents. Those instructions will likely look like:
echo " milmovelocal" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo " officelocal" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo " orderslocal" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo " adminlocal" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
  • Change directories into the transcom/mymove directory and install other dependencies with cd mymove && make docker_compose_setup
  • Update your ~/.bash_profile to install direnv correctly.
    • With this command: echo "if command -v direnv >/dev/null; then eval \"\$(direnv hook bash)\"; fi" >> ~/.bash_profile
    • Then update our terminal with the new changes source ~/.bash_profile
  • Edit your .envrc.local file and set the PPP_INFRA_PATH to point at the directory for transcom/transcom-infrasec-com
    • With this command: echo "export PPP_INFRA_PATH=$HOME/Projects/transcom/transcom-infrasec-com" >> ~/Projects/mymove/.envrc.local
    • Now set up everything by running direnv allow
  • Confirm with the Infrastructure team that you can use the aws command. Try aws s3 ls.

At this point you should be ready to start running Acceptance Tests.

Running Acceptance Tests

The first step in running acceptance tests is getting the branch name for the feature you wish to test. A developer should be able to link you to the branch name in Pivotal or you can ask them directly. For this set of instructions we'll use branch_name. From the terminal run:

cd ~/Projects/mymove
git pull
git checkout branch_name
direnv allow
make docker_compose_up

At this point the server should be running and a lot of text will be scrolling by the screen. This is expected.

To log into the server you must browse to one of these websites:


Unlike in development there is no Local Sign In button. This is because the production builds are specifically disallowed from compiling that button into what we would deliver to production as a safety measure.

At this point you can run through any user flows that allow you test the feature and accept that it meets the requirements needed for acceptance.

Finally, remember to shut down the working server:

make docker_compose_down

This should clean up the docker images downloaded to your computer and stop any running processes.