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How to run Go tests

Having trouble setting this up?

Ask in DP3 Slack #g-database 🔒 for help with these commands.

Run All Go Tests​

Running all the server tests
make server_test

Run Specific Tests​

All of the commands in this section assume that test_db is setup properly. Properly here is defined as having your Test database running in Docker, having the Test database migrated, and seeded with DevSeed data.

Resetting and migrating the test database
make db_test_reset db_test_migrate

Run All Tests in a Single Package​

go test ./pkg/handlers/internalapi/

Run Tests with Names Matching a String​

The following will run any Testify tests that have a name matching Test_Name in the handlers/internalapi package:

go test ./pkg/handlers/internalapi/ -testify.m Test_Name

Run Subtest with Names Matching a String​

Sub-tests often have non alpha numeric characters in the name, which testify translates to underscore. You can see the name of the test by running all of the tests like above, but with the verbose flag.

go test -v ./pkg/handlers/internalapi/ -testify.m Test_name

Then you can run the single subtest with:

go test -count=1 -v -run 'Test_suite_name/Test_name/sub_test_name' ./pkg/handlers/ghcapi

Run Tests when a File Changes​

You'll need to install ripgrep and entr (brew install ripgrep entr):

rg -t go --files | entr -c $YOUR_TEST_COMMAND

Here is an example that will run all model tests when any Go file in the project is changed:

rg -t go --files | entr -c go test ./pkg/models

There is generally no need to be any more specific than rg -t go, as watching all .go files is plenty fast enough.

Run Tests with Coverage Report​

Go has a built-in test coverage tool. You can generate test coverage reports at any level outlined above.

Simple Coverage Report​

go test ./pkg/handlers/internalapi -cover

You will see a result similar to the following, showing the amount of code coverage your tests produce:

ok 72.020s coverage: 73.5% of statements

Detailed Coverage Report​

You can view line-by-line coverage in the browser using the following commands:

go test ./pkg/handlers/internalapi -coverprofile=coverage.out && \
go tool cover -html=coverage.out

A browser window will automatically open. You can navigate files via dropdown in the top left corner.