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CSRF Protection for the Application

User Story: Story #162096596

We want to be able to protect our application against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. While CSRF is no longer in the OWASP top ten list of security risks, our application does not use a full fledge Golang framework that includes CSRF protection. Therefore, we added protection to address the vulnerability.

Decision Drivers

  • Ease of implementation
  • Good library documentation
  • Works with our current Go web framework: Goji

Considered Alternatives

  • Double submit cookie method with justinas/nosurf
  • Double submit cookie method with gorilla/csrf

Decision Outcome

  • Chosen Alternative: Double-submit cookie method with gorilla/csrf

  • Justification: Gorilla/CSRF library has a fairly simple implementation that works with our framework

  • Good documentation for JavaScript applications

  • Works with Goji

  • Generates unique-per-request (masked) tokens as a mitigation against the BREACH attack

  • Uses secure cookies to store the unmasked csrf token session

  • CSRF token session is stateless via Double Submit Cookie method meaning that multiple browser tabs won't cause a user problems as their per-request token is compared with the base (unmasked) token.

  • Consequences: HTTP requests will now need to include x-csrf-token header

  • Every HTTP requests that modifies data will need the header

Pros and Cons of the Alternatives

  • + Works with Goji
  • + Double submit cookie method
  • - Documentation lacking for JavaScript applications
  • - Doesn't use secure cookies