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Permanently Store the Origin Duty Location GBLOC

User Story: MB-15032 🔒

Problem Statement

In our current database structure, GBLOCs are stored in the postal_code_to_gblocs as a one-to-many value: one GBLOC can represent many postal codes. Move origin duty locations associate to GBLOCs using the origin_duty_location_to_gbloc view. This view queries the postal_code_to_gblocs table on every read to fetch the GBLOC associated with the origin postal code on the orders while having the benefit of behaving like a table that can be joined in other queries.

The downside of using a view to fetch the origin duty location GBLOC is that the data remains dynamic, and there is no way to determine what the original GBLOC was if the postal code to GBLOC relationship changes later. Since GBLOCs can be consolidated, USTC needs to be able to access the historical data for moves.

Additional considerations behind this change

  • View tables are not transferred to data warehouse. USTC needs the duty location GBLOC data warehoused.
  • The origin_duty_location_to_gbloc does not handle GBLOC outliers, such as USMC logic, leading to incorrect data 🔒.

Important distinction to note

In addition to origin_duty_location_to_gbloc, there is another view for move_to_gbloc. This is used to fetch the Shipment GBLOC, which is based on the origin address of the first shipment in a move. The Shipment GBLOC and Origin Duty Location GBLOC are both fetched, and the API manages the logic for which GBLOC to select to route the move to the correct queue.

For the purpose of the current requirement, the move_to_gbloc view will remain in place, and the routing logic in the API will not be changed. The primary change will be in storing the origin duty location GBLOC when an MTO is created, and query the stored origin duty location GBLOC.

Decision Drivers

  • Complexity and impact of refactor
    • What potential does the solution have to introduce breaking changes?
    • Do we have enough capacity handle the unknowns or deal with future issues this decision may cause?
    • How disruptive will this work be on other teams?
  • Flexibility
    • Will this solution support required future changes?
    • Will it be easy and intuitive to handle GBLOC consolidations and additions?
  • Consistency
    • Does this change follow best practices?
    • Does it introduce any anti-patterns?

Considered Alternatives

bold denotes chosen

  • Do nothing
  • Surface Origin GBLOC data in History & Audit Log
  • Add a column to the orders table
  • Store the Origin Duty Location GBLOC in a join table

Decision Outcome

  • Chosen Alternative: Add a column to the orders table
  • Positive Outcomes:
    • Eliminate relying on a view for frequently accessed data
    • Provides a direct link from an orders record to its GBLOC, which would flow to warehouse
  • Consequences:
    • Event triggers will need to be updated for history and audit logging purposes
  • Other considerations:
    • Data backfill will need to be addressed

Pros and Cons of the Alternatives

Do nothing

Continue using the views as we currently are, and address existing bugs and edge cases as needed.

  • + There's no work to be done so teams can focus on other work.
  • + No data backfill required
  • - GBLOC data remains dynamic and no view data is warehoused
  • - If Postal code to GBLOC relationship changes in the future, there is no historical record in MilMove of what the GBLOC was at the time of the move.

Surface Origin Duty Location GBLOC data in History & Audit Log

Continue using the views as we currently do, address existing bugs and edge cases as needed, but visually display GBLOC data in the history and audit log alongside the duty location data.

  • + No significant changes means lower level of impact
    • + Could be a "quick win"
  • + Client can see visual reference to a move's GBLOC
  • + No data backfill required
  • - Adds another join to the move history fetcher SQL query
  • - GBLOC data remains dynamic and no view data is warehoused
  • - If Postal code to GBLOC relationship changes in the future, there is no historical record in MilMove of what the GBLOC was at the time of the move.

Add a column to the orders table

Reintroduce the gbloc column to the orders table. This column was included when the table was originally created, but later dropped in favor of using the view to fetch the origin duty location GBLOC.

  • + Single column to add
  • + Reduces the number of joins when querying for move task orders.
  • + Eliminates the need for the origin_duty_location_to_gbloc view and associated models, potential positive performance impact.
  • - Backfill data will need to be generated
    • + We can leverage the SQL query currently used for the origin_duty_location_to_gbloc view to backfill data
  • - Will require DB trigger update/maintenance to be incorporated into the history & audit log

Store the Origin Duty Location GBLOC in a join table

  • + Easily duplicate the expected data output of the existing origin_duty_location_to_gbloc view.
    • + Lower impact on existing API
    • + Faster implementation
  • - A new table adds to DB maintenance load
  • - Pattern of duplicating expected data output is outside of relational DB design best practices
  • - Backfill data will need to be generated
  • - Will require DB trigger update/maintenance to be incorporated into the history & audit log