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Front End Form Library

The current form library we are using with React, Redux Form, is not serving us well. Here is why:

  • Difficult to unit test
  • Lots of overhead if we want to add forms to Storybook
  • Having issues dealing with some of the more nuanced features, such as asynchronously checking form values

Therefore, we want to replace it with a new library that fixes these problems and, hopefully, future-proofs us a bit.

Considered Options

Decision Outcome

  • Chosen Option: Formik
  • Forms are implemented using plain JSX (no need for higher-order components)
  • Easy to unit test
  • Forms can be added to Storybook without needing a fake redux store
  • Uses current React patterns that should be easy for devs on the project to pick up
  • Meets all of our needs for our form validation pattern

Pros and Cons of the Alternatives

React Hook Form

  • + Uses newer React hook style of code, which future-proofs us a bit
  • + No library dependencies
  • + Highly performant
  • - Uses newer React hook style of code, which might be harder for project devs to pick up
  • - Does not support our form validation pattern
  • - Documentation is not as well written as we would like

Implementing our own pattern

  • + Available to customize to meet whatever product needs we have
  • - We need to build and support the code
  • - Off-the-shelf solutions already do what we need to, with no need to spend dev time on it