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Use Office application for Prime UI


Currently, neither the Government nor the contractor is able to fully test to use of the external GHC Prime API without the help of engineers who are already working on the project. This means that the Government is unable to do acceptance of the work being delivered end-to-end and the non-technical members of the contracting team are not able to test internally or with users.

Leveraging the Office app

Leveraging the Office application gives Truss engineers one less application to maintain. Users of MilMove applications will interact with the same visual user interface (UI) that is used to with other MilMove applications. The Office application is leveraged by using a Prime Simulator Role for the Office user. This is set via the Admin UI application, covered in Use Query Builder for Admin Interface, by assigning the role to Office users. Onboarding to Prime UI use can be done by non-engineers. Accessing the Prime UI will done without the aid or use of engineering effort.

Considered Alternatives

  • Leverage the Office Application to have a Prime Simulator Role

Decision Outcome

  • Chosen Alternative: Leverage the Office Application to have a Prime Simulator Role

Leverage the Office Application to have a Prime Simulator Role

  • + Any user is able to able to validate the work that has been completed by the contractor (Truss), without requiring the use of engineering effort.

  • + Any user is able to test the system, end-to-end, internally, without requiring the use of engineering effort.

  • + Any user is able to demo the system, end-to-end, internally, without requiring the use of engineering effort.

  • + Trussel engineers will be exposed more to Prime API functionality and share knowledge of the system, end-to-end, internally, without requiring the use of specialized Prime API engineers.

  • - There are some risks to this approach which are covered under Decision Risks.

Decision Risks

This section of the ADR is new addition as this particular ADR does not have any other considered alternatives. This section may appear in future ADRs that follow a similar process. This decision has some specific risks involved related to its technical implementation. Specific guardrails must exist, otherwise this decision's risks will become a problem for the maintenance of this application.

Roles restricted to non-production environments

Due to the nature of the Prime API contract, the Prime UI is an entirely internal application that will not be available in production environments. A secure migration for the application must be run in the production database which is a non-operational (NOOP) migration. This is achieved by having an empty migration file with SQL comments. Please read the documentation on Secure Migrations by searching the Docusaurus site. A direct link is not included here because the documentation site is going a restructuring while this ADR is being written. This type of migration should be used for any environments which may be production-like or where the Prime Simulator Role must not exist.

USWDS components are used where possible

In order to get the benefits of using the Office app, the Prime UI must leverage React components of the Office application or the United States Web Design System (USWDS) which MilMove builds on as a foundation for the design system for MilMove applications. Portions of the Prime UI application must have a similar look and feel as the rest of the MilMove Office application. This helps users have a unified visual language when interacting with the Prime UI. Engineers contributing to the Prime UI will have a shared understanding of how to interact with the Prime API. This leads to shared knowledge of the Prime API and Office application across different engineering teams and practices.

For more clarity, Truss maintains the React-USWDS component library that is used in MilMove applications. The USWDS is purely a CSS library and while we do import it directly for some things, it's not the foundation of the application.

CODEOWNERS design reviews will be optional

Designers will not need to be required to review any changes made to the Prime UI application. Collaboration between design and engineering for the Prime UI is encouraged but not required. This is enforced by the CODEOWNERS file having no reviewers for src/*/PrimeUI/ directories.

Handling Business Logic

Future decisions will need to be made around how to handle Business Logic that Users may expect to do in a single action that our RESTful API endpoints are not capable of doing. This means that either the Support API or Client-side data manipulation will have additional work to update or tie data behind the scenes.