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Introduce Move History Events

There are a number of additions to the front-end codebase for Move History Log. The changes discussed in this ADR are around the files found in constants/. These files are currently flat within the src/constants/ directory with names that start with moveHistory or historyLog. These files all have exports that are leveraged in a number of ways within the files themselves and also within the Move History components located at src/pages/Office/MoveHistory/.

Constant Objects

There are a number of JavaScript objects that are used to map responses from the API into human-readable strings. These objects are all within a single file currently. Any updates to these objects has the potential of causing merge conflicts.


With the History Log outcome, the MilMove team needs to create event templates which are JavaScript Objects that facilitate the customization, rendering, and identifying of different events being used in the History Log. The structure of these Objects are outlined below.

action: '',
eventName: '',
tableName: '',
detailsType: '',
getEventNameDisplay: (historyRecord) => '',
// One of the following functions are used to populate the details column of
// an event. The function that is called is based on the `detailsType`
// property above.
getDetailsPlainText: (historyRecord) => '',
getDetailsLabeledDetails: (historyRecord) => {
let newChangedValues = {};
// add to newChangedValues Object.
return newChangedValues
getStatusDetails: (historyRecord) => {
let newChangedValues = {};
// add to newChangedValues Object.
return newChangedValues

Event Template

This ADR is introducing this Object above for Move History Event Templates. This ADR is not an exhaustive list of the types of Details column will be displayed but include three examples based on the detailsType property above. Currently the maintenance and addition of these event types requires engineers to edit a single file named src/constants/moveHistory/moveHistoryEventTemplate.js. This has proven to lead to many merge conflicts as engineers are adding event templates to the same file. This file structure makes it non-trivial to verify which event names have been added to the project because there is only a single file that ever gets updated. Tests written for testing the event names happen at the event template file rather than near the actual event templates that are being tested. This has proven to create scenarios where certain events are not tested because they are mistakenly forgotten to be added. At the time of this writing, the file above is over 550 lines of code supporting 32 distinct event templates. At the time of this writing, it's estimated that we will be adding another 21 distinct event templates.

Proposal: Organize constants files into individual modules

Organizing these src/constants/ files for Move History into individual JavaScript modules is a great way to encapsulate any changes so multiple engineers are able to work on the PO9 outcome at the same time without working within the same file. This will lead to much less merge conflicts around similar features. The added benefits of individual modules is that anyone with access to the repository on GitHub can see what Move History Events are supported by looking for the folders under src/constants/MoveHistory/EventTemplates/.

Below is an example of the proposed file structure for Move History constants.

├── TemplateManager.js
└── EventTemplates
├── updateMTOReviewedBillableWeightAt.js
└── updateMTOReviewedBillableWeightAt.test.js
└── Database
├── Tables.js
└── FieldToDisplayName.js
└── LabeledFields
├── OrdersOptions.js
└── UIDisplay
└── DetailsTypes.js
└── HistoryLogRecordShapes.js

This example is a minimal set of files. A refactor for all the current exports will include many more files under certain directories. The file and directory names are capitalized and camel-case for readability. The event templates should be named after the user action to which they correspond (usually based on their event name) and their names should not end in "event." Any tests for these files will be written alongside the files that they are testing. Each template test file would technically test the functionality of building and getting templates from the TemplateManager.js file to achieve the expected result.

Template Manager

This ADR introduces changing the getting and building of templates into a single file named TemplateManager.js. This file has a local Array which is appended to at build-time of the templates. This TemplateManager.js exports two functions named BuildTemplate and GetTemplate. With this approach, there is no need to maintain a static Array of events as was done previously. This cuts down on the number of times an Event Name is written in the codebase. Below is an example of the changes related to using this Array to store events at build time rather than maintaining the Array manually.

▶️ A diff of tested changes to refactor maintaining a static Array variable.

The diff below works prior to the refactor suggested in this ADR. The diff above is meant to give an example and is only the beginning of the necessary changes that would be done to complete this ADR.

diff --git a/src/constants/moveHistoryEventTemplate.js b/src/constants/moveHistoryEventTemplate.js
index 99b505f090..f68e5fcf79 100644
--- a/src/constants/moveHistoryEventTemplate.js
+++ b/src/constants/moveHistoryEventTemplate.js
@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ export const detailsTypes = {

-const buildMoveHistoryEventTemplate = ({
+// A private Array to store all the Event templates.
+let allMoveHistoryEventTemplates = []; // eslint-disable-line prefer-const
+export const buildMoveHistoryEventTemplate = ({
action = '*',
eventName = '*',
tableName = '*',
@@ -54,6 +57,9 @@ const buildMoveHistoryEventTemplate = ({

+ // Append the eventType after creating it into the private Array.
+ allMoveHistoryEventTemplates.push(eventType);
return eventType;

@@ -520,42 +526,8 @@ export const updateMTOReviewedBillableWeightsAt = buildMoveHistoryEventTemplate(
getDetailsPlainText: () => 'Reviewed weights',

-const allMoveHistoryEventTemplates = [
- acknowledgeExcessWeightRiskEvent,
- approveShipmentEvent,
- approveShipmentDiversionEvent,
- createMTOShipmentEvent,
- createMTOShipmentAddressesEvent,
- createMTOShipmentAgentEvent,
- createOrdersEvent,
- createPaymentRequestReweighUpdate,
- createPaymentRequestShipmentUpdate,
- createBasicServiceItemEvent,
- createStandardServiceItemEvent,
- requestShipmentCancellationEvent,
- requestShipmentDiversionEvent,
- requestShipmentReweighEvent,
- setFinancialReviewFlagEvent,
- submitMoveForApprovalEvent,
- updateAllowanceEvent,
- uploadAmendedOrdersEvent,
- updateBillableWeightEvent,
- updateMoveTaskOrderEvent,
- updateMoveTaskOrderStatusEvent,
- updateMTOShipmentEvent,
- updateMTOShipmentAddressesEvent,
- updateMTOShipmentAgentEvent,
- updateMTOShipmentDeprecatePaymentRequest,
- updateOrderEvent,
- updatePaymentRequestEvent,
- updatePaymentRequestStatus,
- updateServiceItemStatusEvent,
- updateBillableWeightEvent,
- updateAllowanceEvent,
- updateMTOReviewedBillableWeightsAt,
const getMoveHistoryEventTemplate = (historyRecord) => {
+ // Read from the private Array to find templates based on the historyRecord
return allMoveHistoryEventTemplates.find((eventType) => eventType.matches(historyRecord)) || undefinedEvent;

Considered Alternatives

  • Do nothing
  • Organize constants files into individual modules (chosen)

Decision Outcome

Chosen Alternative: Organize constants files into individual modules

Justification: This is the only decision which will help prevent merge conflicts

  • + The outcome is much easier to follow by looking at the files
  • + Prevents merge conflicts as engineers are able to work separately on tests and features in separate files
  • - Implementing this will block work for PO9 outcome while it's getting done

Pros and Cons of the Alternatives

Do nothing

  • + No effort
  • - Continues to cause merge conflicts as developers work on the same files
  • - Understanding the amount of Events that are complete is opaque