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API Parsers

Internally, the fake data generator is using an APIParser class. It parses an API specification (.yaml) file using a path or URL using the prance library to create a fully-resolved dictionary of its Swagger specification.

YAML Parsing Differences

One thing that is important to note is that prance is different from the tool we use to lint the yaml files in the mymove repo, which is spectral. They parse the files a bit differently and so there have been times when one will fail think something is valid while the other one breaks.

The main methods of the APIParser class are:

  • get_request_body: Returns the full Swagger specification of the request body for a given endpoint. Requires the path and the method (post, get, etc.) to be passed in. Returns an empty dictionary if no matching request found.

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Example of using APIParser.get_request_body
    from utils.parsers import APIParser

parser = APIParser( api_file="")

parser.get_request_body(path="/mto-shipments", method="post")

* `get_response_body`: Returns the full Swagger specification of the response for a given endpoint.
Requires the `path` and the `method` (`post`, `get`, etc.). Optionally accepts the `status` code
for the response, which defaults to `"200"`. Returns an empty dictionary if no matching response
is found.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Example of using APIParser.get_response_body
from utils.parsers import APIParser

parser = APIParser(

parser.get_response_body(path="/mto-service-items", method="post", status="201")
  • get_definition: Returns the full Swagger specification for a specific definition. Requires the name of the definition to be passed in. Returns None if no matching definition is found.

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Example of using APIParser.get_definition
    from utils.parsers import APIParser

parser = APIParser( api_file="")


* `generate_fake_request`: Takes in the endpoint `path` and `method` and returns a JSONType object
with the fields and fake data for the request. Uses the `faker` library to generate the data. Can
optionally accept a dictionary of `overrides` for any fields that need to have specific values
set, or a boolean `require_all` that indicates that all fields should be filled, even if not

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Example of using APIParser.generate_fake_request
from utils.parsers import APIParser

parser = APIParser(

parser.generate_fake_request(path="/mto-service-items", method="post",
overrides={"modelType": "MTOServiceItemDDSFIT"})
* The fake data generator shown earlier uses this method when you call

We don't use the APIParser class directly though, we define subclasses that use its functionality with the specific needs for each API specification. These live in the utils/ file. We have these defined:

  • PrimeAPIParser
  • SupportAPIParser
  • GHCAPIParser
  • InternalAPIParser

Each one defines what API specification the parser should look at, and can optionally use the hooks that are built-in to the APIParser class to define custom behavior. Here is a sample parser:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Sample API parser
from utils.parsers import APIParser

class GHCAPIParser(APIParser):
Sample Parser class for the GHC API.

api_file = ""

def _custom_field_validation(self, api_field, object_def):
This hook is for changes you want to make to a specific field, regardless of which endpoint it is used in.
These are PRE-DATA changes and will be used to generate the data you want for this field whenever you call the
generate_fake_data method.
# Example:
if == "agents":
api_field.max_items == 2 # let's say we never want more than two agents, regardless of what the YAML says
except AttributeError:
pass # this wasn't the field type we were expecting -- should log as well

def _custom_body_validation(self, body):
This hook is for changes you want to make to a specific APIEndpointBody class (defined in utils/
These are PRE-DATA changes and will be used to generate the data you want for this endpoint whenever you call
the generate_fake_data method.
# Example:
if body.path.endswith("status") and body.method == "patch":
if body.body_field.object_fields: # make sure we have the right BaseAPIField type
status_field = body.body_field.get_field("status")

if status_field and status_field.options: # check that we have the field and it is an EnumField
# status will already be SUBMITTED and can't be changed back, so let's just remove that option:
except ValueError:
pass # it's not in the list, so we're good

def _custom_request_validation(self, path, method, request_data):
This hook is for changes you want to make to the data for a specific endpoint AFTER generation. This code
manipulates actual data and may not apply to every request.
# Example:
if path == "/move-task-orders/{moveTaskOrderID}" and method == "patch":
if request_data.get("isCanceled"): # check if this value was set and if it's True
request_data["availableToPrimeAt"] = None

We have all the parsers we need for now defined, but if you have a need to add a new one follow these steps (all in the utils/ file):

  1. Add your new parser, subclassing APIParser and defining whatever things you need.
  2. Add a key/value pair to the APIKey enum.
  3. Go to get_api_parsers and add your new parser to the parser_classes dict, giving it the key you defined in APIKey and the value of your new parser class (un-initialized).
  4. Now you should be able to use your new parser with the fake data generator! You'll use your new APIKey.<key> when using the fake data generator.
