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Running Load Tests

There are several ways you can run load tests. You can run locust locally or use the deployed version (on AWS). You can also use a local mymove server or the one deployed in the load test environment (on One thing to note is that you can't point the deployed locust instance at a local mymove server.

Visualization of possible Locust combinations

flowchart RL subgraph Environments subgraph Local direction TB l_customer[(Customer App)] l_office[(Office App)] l_prime[(Prime API)] end subgraph AWS direction TB lt_customer[(Customer App)] lt_office[(Office App)] lt_prime[(Prime API)] end end l_locust([Local Locust instance]) aws_locust([AWS-deployed Locust instance]) l_locust-->Local l_locust-->AWS aws_locust-->AWS

UI vs Command Line

locust can be run either via the command line or through the web UI provided by locust.

If you run locust locally, you have the option of using either, but if you run locust from AWS, you will only have the option of running with the UI.

The instructions in these docs will cover how to get locust started (with or without the UI), but won't cover much about the UI since the locust web interface docs cover a decent amount of helpful information.

Setup and Running

There are different instructions based on where locust is running from so follow the instructions below based on what you're trying to do: