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Local Load Test Setup

This will cover local setup necessary to run locust locally. The instructions vary depending on which server you are targeting.

Setup To Run Against A Local MyMove Server

Local MyMove Server

You will need to check out and set up the MilMove project.

Follow the setup instructions in the mymove README, all the way through running the local server (make server_run). You don't need to run the user interface in order to run load tests (so you can skip the make client_run step), unless you would like to be able to log in and look at data using the mymove UI.

Local Server Data

Our goal is to eventually have all the data we need set up by the load tests, but until that's done, you should populate the mymove server with data using this command (in the mymove repo directory):

make db_dev_e2e_populate  ## populates the development database with test data

Setup To Run Against The Load Test Environment MyMove Server

To load test against the API in the load test environment, you will need to install and set up direnv, chamber, and aws-vault. If you have already set up these tools in order to run the mymove project, you do not need to repeat these steps. Otherwise, please follow the instructions in the mymove repo to complete this setup:

Now in the load test repo, run the following:

cp .envrc.chamber.template .envrc.chamber
direnv allow

Once you have loaded the secrets from chamber, which will include the dp3 certificate and private key, you may run your load tests using dp3 as the host value.