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Running Locust from AWS


As of this writing (2022-01-25), the deployed locust is set up to run the prime load tests only.

  1. Run the port-forwarding script:

    aws-vault exec $AWS_PROFILE -- ./scripts/
  2. You can then visit http://localhost:4000 to see the locust web UI for the deployed version of locust.


You may see the following errors:

  • SessionManagerPlugin is not found. If you do please follow the link and the instructions to install the Session Manager plugin or reference the Session Manager plugin installation guide directly.

  • An error mentioning credentials missing.

    • If there is an additional reference to a specific profile. If this is the case please add the corresponding entry from this AWS config template to your ~/.aws/config file.

    • If you only see an error mentioning credentials missing without an additional reference to a specific profile, please ensure that your $AWS_PROFILE variable is not blank. This can be set by running:

      direnv allow